Las Mujeres y el desarrollo humano

Las Mujeres y el desarrollo humano - Martha Craven Nussbaum - Herder
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Weight: 416 g

In most parts of the world, women lack the basic necessities for the development of a human life. They get a power supply lower than men, have poorer health and they are also more vulnerable to physical violence and sexual abuse. In many countries, women can not participate in political life or have the same rights and freedoms as men. These and other obstacles and hardships prevent women to develop their human capacities-cognitive, emotional, imaginative, to the same extent as men. Martha C. Nussbaum, one of the most innovative voices and influential philosophy of our time, has drawn attention in his work on the need to recognize and understand these and other problems that women face, for the simple fact of being women, most of the world. Women and human development combines classical and contemporary philosophy, economics and law, with the author's personal experience in India. more


Book: Las Mujeres y el desarrollo humano

ISBN: 9788425431715
Precio de lista: $1,005.00
Descuento: 30%