Adolfo Roitman (Buenos Aires, 1957) is an Argentine and Israeli archaeologist and expert in comparative religions, as well as a curator of the Dead Sea scrolls and manuscripts and director of the Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum (Jerusalem), where these documents are kept. , one of the greatest archaeological treasures in history found in the mid-20th century. He will be in charge of giving several talks from May 19 to 21 within the framework of the International Seminar on Biblical Archaeology, under the title 'Archaeology and the Scriptures: science or faith?', organized by the Casa de Colón, the Encuentro Institute Canary Islands Israel and the Department of Historical Sciences of the University of Las Palmas for the first time in Gran Canaria. The war that has intensified in recent days between Israel and Palestine has prevented him from traveling to the island, so the conferences can be followed virtually.