As a child, Alastair Bonett felt a special attachment for his people as he looked at the big city as an invading force that could end his charm. That, the individual's relationship with space, has been the axis of all his work. Already in adolescence, he kept up a newspaper and smeared notebooks with his first poems, until he opted for non-fiction works related to his professional sector. Bonnett is a professor of Social Geography at the University of Newcastel: he combines his work as an academic author (if not, he is fired) with his role as author of books for the general public (if not, he gets bored). He is also the author of What is Geography ?, among other titles, and has signed articles in numerous journals, in addition to publishing between 1994 and 2000 the avant-garde psychogeography magazine Transgressions: A Journal of Urban Exploration. Outside the map is his most evocative book and his most praised work.