Alberto Monterroso has a PhD in Latin Philology. He currently teaches Latin and Greek at the IES «Blas Infante» in Córdoba. A lecturer and researcher, he has collaborated in television programmes on Heritage and has published, among other titles, "El emperador impasible", "La Córdoba de Claudio Marcelo" and "Diez mujeres en la vida de Séneca". He is also the author of "Relatos Romanos" and an essay entitled "Lo que de verdad importa de la Córdoba romana". He has been the curator of the exhibition «Faces of Roman Córdoba» at the Archaeological Museum of Córdoba (2012/2013) and the curator of the exhibition «Marco Aurelio: un filosofo en el poder» in the context of the celebration of the 1st International Congress «Marco Aurelio y la Roma Imperial: las raíces béticas de Europa», of which he was technical co-director (2016). In 2018 he published in Almuzara "Seneca, the wisdom of the Empire", a splendid biography of the philosopher from Cordoba, now in its second edition, and in 2021 "The Master of Rome", a historical novel that recounts the turbulent and bloody mandate of Emperor Commodus, which will be followed in 2023 by "The Auction of Rome", a sequel to the previous one.