Bekes Alejandro was born in Santa Fe, Argentina, in 1959 he is Professor of General Linguistics ordinary holder at the National University of Entre Ríos and teaching Teacher in Language and Literature from Concordia Normal School. He is the author of books of poetry Night Road (Paraná, 1989), Argentina and other poems (Buenos Aires, The Sculptor, 1990), Coat against being (Concordia, 1993), The missing man (Córdoba, Collection Phoenix , 2004) and If today was always (Valencia, Pre-Textos, 2006); also has published a volume of essays The winding roads (Logroño, AMG, 1998) and the linguistic dictionary Philological Breviary (Ed. UNER, 2005). As a translator, has released the poetry volumes Gérard de Nerval (Córdoba, editions Copista, 2004), Odes of Horace (Buenos Aires, Losada, 2005), Virgil's Georgics and Venus and Adonis Shakespeare (both Losada, 2007), which Epodos and Satires of Horace (in press) are added; He has also translated poems of Catullus, Petrarch, Baudelaire, Mallarmé, Rimbaud, and Auden. He has taught courses and given lectures on communications and the teaching of the mother tongue, the translation of poetry, various topics of classic and contemporary literature and current educational problems of linguistic and literary area. He has participated in various literary forums, including highlights Spanish Days of Poetry in Logroño (Spain) in its editions of 2001 and 2009 regularly publishes poetry, translations, essays and articles in literary magazines and Phoenix Talk of poetry, of Argentina, and Clarin, Spain.