Alejandro Sawa (Seville, 1862 - Madrid, 1909). He traveled to Paris in 1889, attracted by the artistic life of the metropolis. There he would live what he always considered his "golden years." For some time he worked for the famous publishing house Garnier, who edited an encyclopedic dictionary. In that period he had the opportunity to establish friendship with the main French writers of Parnassianism and Symbolism, although he was a great reader of the romantic Victor Hugo. Intimó with Verlaine, whom he greatly admired, and married a French actress with whom he would have a daughter. His return to Madrid was a time, according to own confession, great vulgarity and greatness, portrayed in some of his novels of the time : Legal crime (1886), Declaration of a defeated (1887) or Breeding of cures (1888). He died miserable, blind and crazy in 1909, being admired by the most important intellectuals of his time and leaving unpublished what would be his best work: Illuminations in the shade.