Alois Maria Haas (Zurich 1934) studied Germanic, medievalist and history in Zurich, Berlin, Paris and Munich. After his doctorate in 1963, comes as a professor in the Department of Germanic Studies at McGill University in Montreal (Canada), and later became professor of German literature at the University of Zurich. Professor Emeritus of the latter university, currently dedicated to travel the world giving talks and lectures in various organizations. Honorary doctorate in theology from the University of Fribourg in Switzerland and the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. Since 1989, chairs the Swiss Paracelsus Society. His career has focused primarily on the study of European mysticism._x000D_
It is the author of numerous works, among which are: Parzival Wolfram von Eschenbach tumpheit bei (1964), Nim selber war din. Studien zur Lehre von der Selbsterkenntnis bei Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler Seus und Heinrich (1971); Todesbilder im Mittelalter (1989); Gottleiden-Gottlieb. Studien zur Lehre von der Selbsterkenntnis bei Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler Seus und Heinrich (1971); Todesbilder im Mittelalter (1989); Gottleiden-Gottlieb. Mystik im Mittelalter volkssprachlichen Zur (1989), Meister Eckhart normative Gestalt als geistliche Lebens (1995); Gelassenheit rechter Kunst (1996). Mystik im Mittelalter volkssprachlichen Zur (1989), Meister Eckhart to normative Gestalt Geistlicha Lebens (1995); Gelassenheit rechter Kunst (1996).