Fray Alonso Remón (Vara de Rey, Cuenca, 1561 - Madrid, 1632), Mercedarian friar, playwright, prose writer and orator of the Spanish Golden Age.
He received his doctorate in Theology from the University of Alcalá de Henares. He entered the Order of Mercy in 1605 and became a chronicler of it by writing a General History of the Order of Mercy (1618-1633), of which he only managed to publish two volumes. In Toledo it coincided perhaps with the formation period of the also Mercedarian Tirso de Molina and he became friends with Lope de Vega; he received praise from him, from Quevedo and from Cervantes and became famous as a sacred orator; In this discipline he published The Sacred Sword and Art for New Preachers (1616) and continued with other moral works such as Human Government derived from the divine (1624) and The House of Reason and Disappointment (1625).