Ana Isabel Zermeño Flores. Mexican, she has been a tenured research professor at the University of Colima since 1998, attached to the Social Research Center (CUIS), of which she was director (1999-2005). She is a professor at the Faculty of Letters and Communication and the PhD in Social Sciences, UCOL. Since 2002, she belongs to the academic body "Studies of Culture and Communication" of which she was leader (2002-2004). In 2010, she founded and directs Agorante, a research group dedicated to basic and applied research on digital inclusion for social inclusion.
She has a doctorate in Audiovisual Communication from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She is a member of the National System of Researchers by CONACYT and of the Mexican Association of Communication Researchers (AMIC).
Her research interests are: Information and communication technologies for development and social change; Evaluation and social impact of technologies; Digital inclusion and community intervention; Digital vulnerability; Contemporary culture studies; Youth; Web usability; Information management. Throughout her professional career, she has coordinated different groups and collaborates with national and international academic networks.