Ana Paulina Gutiérrez Martínez is an Anthropologist from the Autonomous University of Querétaro, Master in Social Sciences applied to Regional Studies from the University of Quintana Roo and Doctor in Social Science with a specialty in Sociology from El Colegio de México.
She is a research professor at the Center for Gender Studies at El Colegio de México and a member of the National System of Researchers. Her research agenda includes topics such as sociabilities, autobiographical narratives and processes of configuration of gender identities, breastfeeding, assisted reproduction and socio-digital networks. She has taught at various universities at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels on topics of her specialty and on Research Methodology, Qualitative Methods, Ethnographic Method, Social Research and the Internet, Social Theory and Anthropological Theory. She has also participated as a teacher in specialized courses and diplomas in gender and sexualities in institutions such as UNAM and El Colegio de México. She currently coordinates the Master's Degree in Gender Studies at CEG-Colmex.
Among her most recent publications are "And you give breast or bottle? Narratives, gender identity and breastfeeding" (Desacatos magazine), "Changes and permanence in the trans-feminine cultural atmosphere of Mexico City" (Sociological Studies magazine ), "Mobile ethnography: a methodological possibility for the analysis of gender identities on Facebook" (Interdisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies), "Body, censorship and resistance on Facebook. The case of Girl Power” (in the book Mechanics of the Post-Pornographic Body, Nudity and Censorship in Art), and her author's book Trans Atmospheres. Sociability, internet, narratives and gender transits in Mexico City (in press).