Doctor of Psychology, has been Professor of Cognitive Psychology at the Autonomous University of Madrid, where he has taught the same subject matter and history of psychology and psychology of language since 1972 has been the coordinator of several research projects, focusing their interests in analyzing processes of reasoning, mental representation and language. At the same time he has studied issues related to development and deep symbolic disorders, especially those that occur in childhood autism, a field in which it has developed a fruitful research and diagnosis. Author of numerous articles on these subjects and books like Reasoning and Representation (1986), The subject of cognitive psychology (1987), Development and alterations of mental functions in autism (1988), Objects in Mind (1991) or Treatment autism, new Perspectives (1997) and the little boy with autism (2000) was the compiler and where some of his most important works on the subject are included. He is also author, with Mercedes and José Manuel Igoa Belinchon of work psychology of language (92009) published in this Editorial.