Ángeles Isabel Díaz Beltrán studied a degree in Physical Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid, where she finished her studies in 1977, and then did a doctorate at Yale University (USA) and at the University of Sussex (United Kingdom), where she obtained the title of doctor in 1986. She has been a tenured professor at the university, and has held various university academic positions (vice-deanship, department management, and others). Since 2009 she has been a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the Autonomous University of Madrid. This is the first woman to have achieved a chair in astrophysics in Spain. Ángeles Díaz is a scientist of great prestige in the Spanish and international physical community, both for her investigative work (specialty: stellar populations in galaxies, structure and evolution of galaxies, active galaxies; thirteen directed doctoral theses) and for her teaching activity in degree , master, doctorate and university extension.