Sir Anthony Kenny (Liverpool, 1931), studied at the Gregorian University in Rome and St. Benet's, University of Oxford. He taught at Balliol College, Oxford (1964-1978) and its director (1978-1989). He was president of the British Academy (1989-1993), of which a member since 1978 and president of Rhodes House Foundation and chair of the St. John's College, Oxford. Initially trained in scholastic philosophy and theology, was directed soon, without giving the origins, to the dominant mode of thought in his time "analytic philosophy" with the conciliatory spirit of those who believe with conviction that it is possible to establish bridges between the classic and new. He is the author of books of recognized merit, which fall between these two areas of training philosophy, scholasticism and analytics. Although retired from academic life, continues to publish his work, highlighting the four volumes of "A new history of western philosophy. From Thales to Derrida "(2004-2007).