Antonella Fagetti. She has a doctorate in Anthropology from the National School of Anthropology and History (2001). She is a professor-researcher attached to the Master in Sociocultural Anthropology of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities "Alfonso Vélez Pliego" of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. She belongs to the National System of Researchers Level II. In 1998, she obtained the INAH Fray Bernardino de Sahagún Award for the best research in Social Anthropology and Ethnology with her work: Tentzonhuehue. The symbolism of the body and nature. Since 2002, she has developed several projects on traditional medicine and shamanism and has published books and articles on these topics. She coordinated the book Initiations, trances and dreams ... Investigations on shamanism in Mexico, (ISCYH-BUAP and Plaza y Valdés, 2010), and is the author of Shamanic Initiations. Dreams and trance in the future of the shaman, published in 2015 by Siglo XXI Editores and ICSYH-BUAP. She is the producer and director of the documentary Shamans. Una tetralogía sobre el shamanismo en México (2007) and co-director with Otila María Caballero of the documentary The initiation of the haaco bed. Comcaac shamanism (2015). Since 2010, she has been developing the research project: “Divination / healing / repair / propitiation processes in the context of indigenous peoples' knowledge and practice of shamanism” (CB-2014-01-241774 continued), funded by CONACYT.