Antonio Manuel Moral Roncal (Madrid, 1965) is Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Alcalá. He received an Extraordinary Degree Award and a doctorate in Geography and History from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Vice Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters and Quality Coordinator, he is a member of the History Commission for the PAU of the Autonomous Community of Madrid. Campomanes Prize for Historical Research (1990 and 1992), International Prize for the History of Carlism Luis Hernando de Larramendi (1999), obtained the accreditation of the I3 Program of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Education of the Community of Madrid (2006 ) for which an outstanding scientific career is recognized. Director of the Open History magazine, edited by the College of Doctors and Graduates of Madrid, he is the author of more than sixty publications related to the history of Spain in the 19th and 20th centuries.