Apolonio Díscolo (gr. Ἀπολλώνιος ὁ δύσκολος, "Apollonius the evil genius"), was a Greek linguist of the second century. He is considered the founder of the systematic study of grammar, being the author of several treaties endowed for the first time to the Greek grammar of a scientific basis. He lived in Alexandria in extreme poverty and wrote several works, of which only four remain: the treatise On the Syntax and Pronouns brief graduates on, On and On Conjunction Adverbs trials.
This Apollonius Dyskolos the nickname ("difficult") earned so dense and concise explanations, was the most important writer on syntax in ancient philological tradition. Only TEKHNE grammatiké (Τέχνη Γραμματική) Dionysius Thrax (I century BC.) Rivaled in prestige with this syntax. But two plays are different level and style. Apollonius's work is a comprehensive study of syntactic treaty, critic, and quite personal, about the fundamental concepts of grammatical construction. What is prayer, parts, functions of pronouns, the meanings of the verb forms, and other syntactical issues are studied here in depth, with many examples, good Homeric measure, according to the usual philological work in Alexandrian circles. Apollonius has glimpses of surprisingly modern addition to collecting and criticizing the earlier tradition. The grammarian Priscian relied to his texts in the writings of Apollonius.