Ario Garza Mercado has a law degree from the University of Nuevo León (1958) and a master's degree in library science from the University of Texas (1965). He was head of the Library of the Faculty of Economics (1959-1965) and of the Library Department of the University of Nuevo León (UNL) (1965-1966). He is a professor-researcher at El Colegio de México assigned to the Daniel Cosío Villegas Library, of which he was director (1966-1989) and in which he continues to contribute to the development of reference collections and for Latin American studies. He has been a national researcher since 1989. The Colegio de México has published Function and form of the university library, Reference works for students of social sciences and humanities, General reference works, Reading guide on planning library buildings, Style standards bibliography for semester essays and theses and Sources of information in social sciences and humanities.