Atiq Rahimi (Kabul, 1962) attended secondary school at the French-Afghan Lyceum in Kabul, then Literature at the university in the same city. In 1984, the war unleashed after the Soviet invasion forced him to take refuge in Pakistan, from where he asked for political asylum in France. There he obtained his doctorate in Audiovisual Communication at La Sorbonne, lives in Paris and is dedicated to film production and writing. His published works are Earth and Ashes, Labyrinth of Dream and Anguish, The Stone of Patience (Goncourt Prize 2008) and Damn Dostoevsky. He himself has adapted and directed, with great success, the films based on Earth and Ashes and The Stone of Patience. Since 2002, when he was finally able to return to his native country, he has traveled regularly to Kabul.