(Cumbas, Sonora, 1951) Mexican director and screenwriter. He studied at the University Center for Cinematographic Studies of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (CUEC/UNAM) from 1973 to 1978. He has developed his career as a teacher at the Universidad Iberoamericana (1976–1977); at the Instituto de Estudios Superiores Monterrey campus Morelos (1995–1997); at the School of Writers of the General Society of Writers of Mexico (SOGEM, 1995–1997) and at the CUEC where he teaches the subject of Film Screenwriting from 1989 to date (March, 2001).
He participated in the round table ¿Es el guión cinematográfico una disciplina literaria?, given by the Coordination of Cultural Diffusion of the UNAM (1989); in the seminar En la cima de la Comunicación: Anáhuac 91 and in the conference El guión cinematográfico como medio de comunicación organized by the Universidad Anáhuac (1991); He was moderator and speaker at Debate on current cinema that took place at the Universidad del Sol, Cuernavaca, Morelos, in November 1995, and moderator of the First National Meeting on the teaching and research of cinema in Mexico that was held at the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) in 1996.