Carlos Corrochano Pérez (A Coruña, 1996) is an advisor on international and European policy in the Second Vice-Presidency and Ministry of Labour and Social Economy, as well as Director of the Office of the Secretary of State for Social Economy. A political scientist and jurist, he has also studied Humanities and Philosophy, and has two master's degrees in Geopolitics and Political Theory. He has published in various Spanish media such as Público, Política Exterior or El Salto. He has also participated as a speaker in multiple international conferences, in London, Buenos Aires, Prague, Lisbon or Reykjavik. Since January 2023 he has also been teaching Critical Theories of International Relations at the prestigious Sciences Po in Paris. Now, in addition, he has just received a scholarship from the "la Caixa" Foundation to pursue a doctorate in international relations at The New School for Social Research in New York.