Dr. Christian Hartmann (1959) has been a member of the research staff of the Institut für Zeitgeschichte (Institute for Contemporary History) since 1993. He has written books on the OKH Chief of Staff, on the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front or the latest hundred days of World War II. Likewise, he was for a long time deputy editor-in-chief of the Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte (Quarterly Journals of Contemporary History), as well as co-editor of the Akten zur deutschen auswärtigen Politik 1918-1945 (Files of German Foreign Policy, 1918-1945). He has also regularly advised on feature films and documentaries, such as The Downfall (2004) or Sophie Scholl: The Last Days (2005). From 2012 to 2015 he has been the project director for the critical and scientific edition of Adolf Hitler's work, Mein Kampf.
In addition, as a reserve lieutenant colonel, he teaches at the Führungsakademie (Leadership Academy) of the German Army. In 1992 he received the Werner-Hahlweg-Preis für Militärgeschichte und Wehrwissenchaften (Werner-Hahlweg Prize for Military History and Science), and in 2016 the Wissenschaftspreis Gesellschaft braucht Wissenschaft (Scientist Prize “Society Needs Science”).