Cristina Sánchez Muñoz has a degree in Law and Philosophy from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). She has a doctorate in Law, she has been a professor of Philosophy of Law at the UAM since 2007.
Among the numerous works in national and international publications that she has written about the work of Hannah Arendt, of which she is a specialist, her contribution to the collective volumes Critical Assessments on Hannah Arendt (2006), from the Routledge publishing house, stands out.
In the field of contemporary feminist theory, she has edited The Citizens and the Political (1996), Gender and Citizenship. Reviews from the private sphere (1999) and Feminisms. Contemporary theoretical debates (2001).
She is a member of the University Institute of Women's Studies of the UAM and the Academic Council of the Unesco Chair on Gender Policies and Equal Rights between Women and Men (UAM-CSIC). Since 2008 she has directed the Master's and Doctorate Program in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies at the UAM.