DANIEL RUSSO. PhD in Community Mental Health, from the National University of Lanús (UNLa). Psychologist, Specialist in Education.
Associate Professor at the UNLa and Adjunct Professor in the Social Work career, Faculty of Social Sciences of the UBA. Professor in the Master's Degree in Public Health (UNLaM) and in the Master's Degree in Community Health (UNLa). Member of the Free and Interdisciplinary Chair for the Adequate Care of Consumers of Psychoactive Substances (UNSaM). Teacher at the Cadet School of the Argentine Federal Police. Co-director of research at UNLa and director of an Undergraduate Research Program at the UBA.
Author of the book Cuidar a la fuerza (La Docta Ignorancia, 2020). He participated in various collective publications: A book on drugs (El gato y la caja), Salud y Comunidad (UNLa), Apuntes Estratégicos (UNR), La seguridad Ciudadana (UNLa), La educación policial. Study of the police education systems of the NEA Region and of the security forces and federal police forces (Internal Security Council). He edited the Community Preventer's Manual (SEDRONAR) and the Guide for the Management of Risk Situations due to Intoxication and Withdrawal from Psychoactive Substances - Document for Police Forces (SEDRONAR).
He served as National Director of Training on Addictions (SEDRONAR), Academic Coordinator of the training of the Police Prevention Units of the Municipality of Lanús (UNLa), Technical Coordinator of the Area of Technical Assistance in Citizen Security (UNLa), Therapeutic Director of the Community Assistance Intervention Centers (CIAC).