Full-time Academician of the UIA since 1979. Professor-researcher emeritus of the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the UIA. Member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. Dedicated to the study of political processes in Latin America and the Caribbean, its main angles of concern focus on hemispheric relations, political study of the regional situation, problems of democratization and regional integration. Sociologist, trained at the Catholic University of Chile, master's degree in sociology from FLACSO. He has a PhD in Social Sciences from the UIA. Belongs to the National System of Researchers of CONACYT. He is a research associate of the Working Group "United States" of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences, CLACSO. Coordinator of the Research Line on "Governance and Political Institutions in Latin America" at the UIA. In his contribution to the formation of resources for research records the address of 64 completed theses and 24 as an adviser and member of the jury. He is the author, co-author and coordinator of more than 60 scientific publications.