Delphine Horvilleur is a French rabbi belonging to the Liberal Jewish Movement of France (MJLF). She is a feminist activist and studied Journalism at CELSA (Sorbonne). She is among the founders of KeReM, the council of French-speaking liberal rabbis, and since 2009 she has headed the editorial office of the magazine Tenou'a. Atelier de Thought(s) Juive(s). Among her works are: En tenue d'Ève. Féminin, pudeur et judaïsme (2013); Comment les rabbins font les enfants. Sexe, transmission et identité dans le judaïsme (2015); Des mille et une façons d’être juif ou musulman. Dialogue (together with Rachid Benzine, 2017), and Comprendre le monde (2020).