Eduardo González Calleja (Madrid, 1962) is a professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid. His research has dealt with the theory and history of political violence, the evolution of far-right and fascist groups in interwar Europe, images of the Mediterranean in Spanish culture, the political and cultural action of Francoism and the democratic monarchy towards Latin America, Spanish political emigration, the history of sport, the theory and history of terrorism, the history of state instruments of public order and the relationship between memory and history. His latest books include Assault on Power. Organized political violence and the social sciences (Madrid, Siglo XXI, 2017); Socialisms and communisms. Historical keys of two political movements (Madrid, Paraninfo, 2017) and Non-Orthodox Wars. The "strategy of tension" and neofascist terrorism networks in Southern Europe and Latin America (Madrid, Los Libros de la Catarata, 2018). He is coordinator of The Second Spanish Republic (Barcelona, Past & Present, 2015).