Eduardo Halfon was born in 1971 in Guatemala City. He has published This is not a pipe, Saturno (Alfaguara, 2003; Reading Point, 2007), De cabo roto (Littera Books, 2003), The literary angel (Anagrama, 2004, Semifinalist for the Herralde Novel Prize), Seven minutes de unasosiego (Panamericana Editorial, 2007), Hebrew classes (AMG, 2008), Drawing classes (AMG, 2009, XV Café Bretón & Bodegas Olarra Literary Award), The Polish Boxer (Pre-Texts, 2008), The pirouette ( Pre-Texts, 2010, XIV José María de Pereda Short Novel Award) and Tomorrow we never talk about it (Pre-Texts, 2011). Some of his works have been translated into English, French, Serbian, Portuguese and Dutch. In 2007 he was named one of the best young Latin American writers by the Hay Festival in Bogotá.