Eduardo Lourenço is a mythical figure in the Portuguese cultural scene. His writings, ranging from a sui generis perspective ensayística countless topics, have a thread so own personal, never could pigeonhole him in any school of thought, or any aesthetic category.
And his first book published Heterodoxy (1947), gives the measure of his extraordinary capacity for life-philosophical discourse that will keep throughout his work.
There are numerous writings, and four books, which Eduardo Lourenço has dedicated to Fernando Pessoa Fernando, Rei da Nossa Bavaria (1986), O Lugar do Anjo (2005), Poems of Fernando Pessoa (anthology) (2006) and that It presented in this edition, published in Portugal for the first time in 1973, Pessoa revisited. In it, Lourenço develops his vision of the phenomenon Pessoa. Knowledge, need and passion make equally book pages. Eduardo Lourenço has received, among others, the Literary Essay Prize 1984 awarded by the Pen Club, the "European Prize Charles Veillon Test" in Switzerland, as recognition of his essays (1988). In 1996 he was awarded the "Camões Prize" in Portugal, equivalent to the Cervantes Prize for Spanish literature.