Eduardo Scala (born in Madrid on June 11, 1945), is a Spanish poet, artist, and chess player.
Since adolescence he has shown himself as a solitary, multifaceted and unclassifiable creator. His radical work is characterized by being within the limits of the limits. All his literary work burns in 1971, and with Geometry of Ecstasy (1974) he begins the project of the total book, where the writing, typography, volume measure, name of the printing street, constitute and manifest the poem.
In 1977, he creates a publishing cooperative to pay for his rare books off the market, some hand-made with movable type. Its 77 co-publishers are important names in Spanish culture who recognized his work, which currently has more than forty titles. His Canticle of Unity, based on the dissolution of opposites through extreme synthesis or non-duality, SOLUNA, linguistic games - anagrams and palindromes brought to transcendence - as supports for meditation, Sacrograms, silence, expropriation language and the disappearance of the author: «the word is the poet». His poetry books form a constellation of new models, a manifestation of a verbal-visual poetic system, VISUALABREV. "I am a humble resonator," writes Scala, "a constriction worker. I choose the term without term and I transcribe the micro-macro poem similar to the sign of the 8, loop or rhizome of the evangelical mustard seed ".