Dutch Dominican theologian and studied theology at the University of Louvain, where also exert temporarily as teacher, actively participating in the renewal of theology with postwar fundamental to the "theology of culture 'contributions. Later he continued his studies in Paris at Le Saulchoir (with M. D. Chenu and Yves Congar, among others), the Sorbonne and the Ecole des Hautes Érudes. In 1958 he agreed to the chair of dogmatic and historical theology at the University of Nijmegen, which Endria mant until his retirement in 1983.
During the council Vat Icano II he was advisor to the Dutch bishops, actively worked for the Documentation Centre Dutch (IDOC) and came into contact with leading innovators of Catholic theology group that would arise magazine Concilium which was one of his founders.
Since its acutely aware that many of the new key issues arising in and from the council required serious and intensive site survey and the role of the figure of Jesus Christ in Christianity, since the mid-seventies he began publishing his Christological work , as the first installment is this Jesus. The story of a living. Follow Christ and Christians. Grace and release (1977) and Jesus in our culture (1986).