Professor, retired emeritus of Philosophy of Law at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Graduated from the University of Salamanca and a PhD from the University of Bologna. Guest Professor at the University of Pittsburgh (USA). Castilla y León Award for Social Sciences and Communication. Doctor honoris causa by the University Carlos III of Madrid, Milan, Granada and Alicante. His scholarly work has been directed primarily towards two main interlinked areas: on the one hand, those relating to issues of legal philosophy, ethics and politics: there would be, among others, his works rule of law and democratic society (1966), Sociology and Philosophy of Law (1971), Ethics policy against. Intellectuals and power (1992) or An intellectual journey: From legal and political philosophy (2003); on the other, his works on the history of social and political ideas in twentieth-century Spain, with books like Unamuno Review. Critical of his political thought (1968) Analysis, Social philosophy krausismo Spanish (1973), Thinking Spanish Franco era (1974) or The old masters. Rebuilding reason.