Elio Aristides (Αίλιος Αριστείδης, in Latin, Aelius Aristides, 129-189) was a Greek orator and eminent Sophist the second century. C. Born in Mysia, Pergamum and was educated in Athens, and later gave lessons in Italy and Asia Minor. She resided in Smyrna but traveled throughout Greece. It was therefore a professional speaker and a teacher, and became one of the leading representatives of the second sophistic. His work consists of 55 speeches.
While at Pergamum, who owned land in Mysia were invaded by its neighbors, prompting Aristides appeal to the Roman proconsul who was then in Pergamum. He said that their land had been taken violently, and soon were returned. The story shows the influence he had in his time and his contemporaries, as one of the most prominent speakers of the Empire. Others have obtained justice for lack of resources.
All his life he suffered from hypochondria and therefore regularly attended the temple of Asclepius at Pergamum, where it is said that those who slept in it appeared to them Apollo and then cured. Famous also for the written statement decrying the destruction of Smyrna by the earthquake of 177/178, that letter was sent to the emperor Marcus Aurelius conmoviéndolo to tears and thereby achieving this send to rebuild the city.