She was born in Mexico City in 1981. Essayist, poet and translator. He studied English Letters at the UNAM Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. Guitar teacher, composer, and performer of the rock group Feliz Azul. He has collaborated in the Punto de Partida and Replicante magazines. Honorable Mention in the José Emilio Pacheco University Student Poetry Prize 2004 for Altamar. 2005 Starting Point Essay Award for On technology, art and the pain of others. José Vasconcelos Young Essay Award 2008 for Friend or Foe: The Literary Debate in Foe by J. M. Coetzee. He participates in the anthology El hacha put at the root (Fondo Editorial Tierra Adentro, 2006). 2013 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz International Essay Award for The Circular Parade.