Emilio de Diego García

Emilio de Diego García

Emilio de Diego. Doctor in Geography and History and Doctor in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid. Extraordinary Award for Bachelor's Degree, Extraordinary Award for Doctorate and National Award for Completion of University Studies. Professor of Contemporary History at the UCM. Member of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain and the Academie Belgo-Espagnole d'Histoire and corresponding member of the Portuguese Academy of History, the Royal Academy of History and the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences. Member of the General Prim Bicentennial Society, as a member of the Board of Directors.

He has been a professor at the Diplomatic School, as well as a visiting professor and lecturer in numerous Spanish and foreign academic forums (Universities of Navarra, Málaga, Salamanca, Valladolid, Cádiz, Carlos III and Rey Juan Carlos -Madrid- or the Department of History of Law of the UCM, the Faculty of Philology of the Complutense University; Sorbonne, Pau, Tours, Perugia or the Academy of Portuguese History; University of Lisbon, Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, Argentine Catholic University, National University of Tucumán, National University of Cuyo -Mendoza -, U. of Southampton, FIU -Florida International University (Miami)- or CEILA -Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies- of Bratislava, the Riva-Agüero Institute of the Catholic University of Lima, as well as other public and private institutions such as INCIPE -Institute of International Issues and Foreign Policy-, School of General Staff, Army College, CESEDEN, School of Industrial Organization -EOI-, Casa de América –Madrid-, Chamber of Commerce of Gijón, Casa Museo de Colón –Valladolid-, Museo del Prado, Ateneo –Madrid-, Ateneo Jovellanos –Gijón-, Academy of Valencian Culture, FUE –Spanish University Foundation-, or the Instituto Cervantes –Vienna, New Delhi, London-)… and many others.

Author of more than two hundred publications, among them, Spain the hell of Napoleon. A history of the war of independence, 1808-1814, (Madrid, 2008); To understand the defeat of Napoleon in Spain, (Madrid, 2010); The War of Independence, a surprising conflict? (Madrid, 2010) or the Dictionary of the War of Independence (2011); Director of the five seminars (2003-2007 held at the IHCM, related to the War of Independence and of the International Congresses held at the Faculty of Geography and History (UCM) and at the Institute of Spain, both in 2008: The Birth of Contemporary Spain Bicentennial International Congress of the War of Independence (Madrid, 2008) The beginning of the War of Independence International Bicentennial Congress of the War of Independence (Madrid, 2009) Related to the topic of “98”, he directed the summer courses The War in Cuba and the Spain of the Restoration and Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines in the perspective of 98, held in El Escorial, FGUCM, in 1995 and 1996, respectively and whose interventions were gathered in two publications and Reflections around the Spain of 1898 (La Granda-Avilés/Asturias-, 1998) and, among other written texts, we can mention the biography of General Weyler (Madrid, 1998) or his collaborators. ations in Perspectivas del 98. A century later. (Coord. VELARDE, J.) -Valladolid, 1997- or in The Army and the Navy in 1898: Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines (I). Proceedings of the I Congress of Military History. (Madrid, CESEDEN -monographs, no. 29-, 1999); He was also responsible for the traveling exhibition Spain Between Two Centuries. Around “98”, financed by IberCaja. He has dedicated a notable part of his research activity to the figure of the Count of Reus, about whom he wrote Prim. La forja de una espada (Barcelona, 2003); he has organized several series of conferences on this illustrious Catalan and in the coming weeks he will bring to light a new book entitled Prim, much more than a sword

He has directed numerous research papers, doctoral theses, degree reports, projects in the field of R & D programs and others subsidized by companies and international organizations... He is in possession of several decorations