Emilio García Wehbi was born in Buenos Aires in 1964. He is a self-taught interdisciplinary artist who works at the crossroads of scenic languages. Since 1989 - the year in which he founded El Periférico de Objetos, a paradigmatic group of Argentine experimental and independent theater - to date, he has stood out in his activities as a theater director, régisseur, performer, actor, visual artist and teacher. His shows, operas, performances, installations and urban interventions have been presented in the main stages, festivals and cities of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Mexico, United States, Canada, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Scotland, France, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Germany, Poland, Italy, Sweden, Australia and Japan. His poetics tries to confront established aesthetic categories, hybridizing the disciplines in such a way that his creations cannot be subjected to any precise definition. His formal search always aims to establish a dialectic with the viewer, considering him an active part of the work. It works from formal strategies that include concepts such as obscene (that which is outside the scene), crisis, accident, provocation, instability, the extraordinary (that which deviates from order), memory, death and violence. Try to make your montages a space for the convergence of different views.