Erich Hackl was born in Steyr (Austria) in 1954. He has a degree in German and Hispanic Philology from the University of Salzburg, and has been a lecturer and university professor in Madrid and Vienna. Since 1983 he has been dedicated to writing and translation, he also edits works by unknown or marginalized authors. Among his works, which are based on real cases, include Auroras AnlaB (The reasons for Aurora), Abschied von Sidonie (Goodbye to Sidonie), Materialen zu Abschield von Sidonie (Materials on Goodbye to Sidonie), König Wamba (King Wamba), Sara und Simón -unique translated to Spanish up to now-, In fester Umarmung (With a big hug), Entwurf einer Liebe auf den ersten Blick (Sketch of a love at first sight) and Die Hochzeit von Auschwitz (The Auschwitz ball).