Erik Bordeleau, (PhD, Université de Montréal) is researcher at the SenseLab (Concordia University, Montreal) and fugitive financial designer at the Economic Space Agency (ECSA). He is also affiliated to the research group HAR (Histoire des arts et des representations - Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La défense) and co-founder of the collectives Entrepreneurs du commun and Econautic Consultancy. He was a post-doctoral fellow in East Asian Studies + Art History and Communication Studies at McGill University (2011-2012) and at Bruxelles Free University in philosophy (2012-2014). His work articulates at the intersection of political philosophy, media and financial theory, contemporary art and cinema studies, with a marked interest for the speculative turn and the renewal of the question of the possible in contemporary thinking. Erik Bordeleau is the author of two books, Foucault anonymat (Le Quartanier, 2012, Spirale Eva-Legrand 2013 award) and Comment sauver le commun du communisme? (Le Quartanier, 2014), both recently translated to Spanish. He has also published numerous book chapters and academic articles across different disciplines and areas of study, among which: A Redemptive Deleuze? Choked Passages and the Politics of Contraction (Deleuze Studies Journal, 2014); Bruno Latour and the Miraculous Present of Enunciation (“Breaking the Spell: Contemporary Realism Under Discussion”, Mimesis, 2015); (Dis)enchanted Taiwanese Cinema, Shizoanalytic Belief and the Actuality of Animism (“Speculative Art Histories”, Edimburgh University Press and Witte de With, 2017); Initiating Life: Giorgio Agamben and the Political Use of Intimacy (The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 2017); Immediation, Bergson and the Problem of Personality (“Immediations: Art, Media, Event”, OHP, forthcoming). He has also recently co-edited a collective book on the Thai filmmaker Apichatpong Weerasethakul (Nocturnal Fabulations Ecology, Vitality and Opacity in the Cinema of Apichatpong Weerasethakul, OHP Press, 2017), and another one on the work of Peter Sloterdijk (Aux limites de l’empire : mesures de Sloterdijk Editions Dehors, forthcoming). As part of the collaboration between GCAS and Economic Space Agency (ECSA), Erik Bordeleau will be in charge of creating an MA in cryptoeconomics at GCAS with fellow ECSA agent and GCAS faculty member, Tere Vadén.