He did a master's degree in particle physics and then a doctorate in biomechanics at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of the Republic (Udelar), where he currently works as a teacher, researcher and scientific disseminator. I apply physics to the study of prehistoric animals by analyzing the infrasonic chants of the giant sloths, the combat of the glyptodonts, the bite of the greatest rodent of all time (Josephoartigasia monesi), the evolution of saber teeth and the possibility that Large carnivorous dinosaurs (such as the Tyrannosaurus rex) will use a form of seismic camouflage for their movements, among other things. He is the author of The Beatles and Science, published in this same collection in 2015 and winner of the 2017 Literature Prize awarded by the Uruguayan Ministry of Education and Culture in the category of Scientific Research and Dissemination Essay.