Ernesto Lumbreras, was born in Ahualulco de Mercado, Jalisco, on June 10, 1966. Poet, critic and editor. He has been director of the San Agustín Arts Center (CASA), Etla, Oaxaca; coordinator of the literary collection El Pez en el Agua, of Cultural Dissemination of the UAM; editor of Aldus. Collaborator of Casa del Tiempo, Library of Mexico, Brecha (Uruguay), Poetry Journal, El Ángel, The Cultural Weekly News, La Fábrica, La Jornada Semanal, Poetry Newspaper, Magazine of the University of Guadalajara, Magazine of the University de México, Sábado, Siempre !, The Plum Review, Tropic of Cancer, Vice Versa and Vice Versa-Canada. FONCA Fellow, 1989, 1994 and 1996; of the Ministry of Social Affairs of Spain, 1993; and the Mexico-Canada Artistic Residency Exchange Program, 1998. Member of the SNCA, 2004-2007. Jesús Amaya Topete Poetry Prize 1988, Ameca, Jalisco. Ciudad de la Paz National Poetry Prize 1991 for Orders from the hummingbird to the gardener. 1992 Aguascalientes National Poetry Prize for Espuela for delaying the trip. Prize of the Mexico Poetry Contest: Tierra de Imágenes 1993, awarded by Conaculta / INBA / Secretariat of Social Development. Fine Arts Award for Chihuahua 2007 Testimony for the Magnetized City. Fine Arts Award for Literary Essay Malcolm Lowry 2013 for Liquid Gold in Obsidian Bowl-Oaxaca in the work of Malcolm Lowry. 21st Century International Essay Award for The Sinister Hand of José Clemente Orozco. Juan de la Cabada Children's Fairytale Fine Arts Award 2018 for Abacus of hail to count ghosts. Mazatlán Literature Award 2019 for an infinitesimal aqueduct. His poetry collection Espuela para dela la viaje is included in the compilation Aguascalientes Poetry Prize 30 years, 1988-1997 (1997).