Erwin J. Haeberle. Born in 1936, he founded the Archive for Sexology in Berlin in 1994. In 2004, he gifted his library and his collections to Humboldt University. The electronic part of the archive (the website) is still run by himself: www.sexology.cjb.net. Professor Haeberle studied North American Studies in Heidelberg and, after receiving his doctorate, moved to the United States in 1966, where he did research for several years at Yale and UC Berkeley and wrote a manual on sexology (The Sex Atlas, 1978). He later taught at a private High School in San Francisco and was a collaborator of the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University, as well as a visiting professor at San Francisco State University, and of the medical schools of the universities of Kiel and Geneva. . Later, he returned to Germany and worked at the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin until his retirement in 2001. At the moment he continues to direct the Archive that he himself founded years before, at the Humboldt University in Berlin, where he had already worked for several semesters. as a visiting professor. Currently, he is an honorary professor at the University of Hong Kong Medical School, as well as the author and editor of numerous publications in a total of ten languages. Erwin J. Haeberle has received numerous tributes from international sexological societies.