Esteban Ponce

Esteban Ponce

Esteban Ponce (Santa Fe, Argentina) has a degree in Philosophy from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL) and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). He has been a doctoral and postdoctoral fellow of CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research). He is a Professor-Researcher at IHUCSO (Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, UNL-CONICET) and Associate Researcher at CIF (Center for Philosophical Research). He works as an associate professor of Aesthetics in the Philosophy career of the UNL and holder of Aesthetics in Visual Arts of the UADER. He is a founding member of AAES 18 (Argentine Association of Studies of the Eighteenth Century). He is a member of the editorial committees of Tópicos. Journal of Philosophy of Santa Fe and Eighteenth Century. He is Correspondant étranger of the Société Diderot. His research topics are materialism and aesthetics in the eighteenth century, especially in the philosophy of Diderot and in the Encyclopédie.