Esther Mucznik, daughter of Polish parents, lived in Israel and Paris where she studied, respectively, Hebrew Language and Culture and Sociology at the Sorbonne. She is vice-president of the Lisbon Jewish Community (CIL) and founder of the Portuguese Association for Jewish Studies. She is also president and founder of Memoshoá (Memory of Association and education on the Holocaust), co-founder of the Abraham Forum of Portugal for interreligious dialogue, and member of the National Commission on Religious Freedom. He was a columnist for the Public newspaper from 2002 to 2011. A student of Jewish affairs, he has coordinated courses and seminars on Jewish history and culture, religious freedom and inter-religious dialogue between Israel and the Middle East, and published numerous works on these topics, among which he highlights Portugueses no Holocausto (2012) and A Grande Epopeia dos judeus no século xx (2017).