He graduated in Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires and PhD in Social and Political Theory at the University of Essex (UK). He was director of the Research Institute Gino Germani, Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and Dean of the Faculty. His research work and research are the philosophy of the social sciences and the study of protests and social movements, from the perspective of political sociology. He is director of a research program on social protest and collective action in Argentina which performs qualitative and quantitative studies on the subject. He currently heads the UBACyT project called "New political subjectivities in Argentina. A comparative study of the picketing organizations from the 2001 crisis. " He has published, among others, take the word. New forms of social protest in Argentina (co-compiler with Francisco Naishtat and Gabriel NARDACCHIONE, Prometheus, 2005) and The plot of the crisis. The social protest in Argentina 2001 (Prometheus, 2005) and numerous articles in national and international journals