Fina Sanz. Psychotherapist, Pedagogue and Sexologist. She is the creator of Reunion Therapy, a model that integrates Psychology, Sexology and Health Education, with a gender, clinical and community perspective. From the Instituto Terapia de Reencuentro, where she gives consultation, she trains professionals from Spain and Latin America through workshops, courses and Masters.
She proposes an integral development of the person, addressing the problems from the personal, relational and social dimension, which facilitate self-knowledge and the necessary changes to create bonds for coexistence, which favor more egalitarian, respectful and good relationships.
Her research has led her to create therapeutic methods that she has exposed in numerous conferences and publications, with clear language, as can be seen in some of her books:
Female and male psychoeroticism
Love ties
The labyrinths of everyday life
Dialogues of wise women
Men with heart
The good deal
The couple, a love project