Flann O'Brien (Brian O'Nolan, Strabane, Tyrone, 1911 - Dublin 1966). Irish writer. He worked for the Public Administration from 1935 to 1953. He also worked for 26 years in the Irish Times under the pseudonym of Myles na gCopaleen, since being an official he could not write with his name. In his articles he portrayed the politics of his time with a scathing style. His style and the plot of his books are very original and were praised by Samuel Beckett and James Joyce, who, already practically blind, read his novels with the help of a magnifying glass. Joyce said of O'Brien and of this book: "An authentic writer, with the true comic spirit. A really fun book. "In Nordic Books we are excited about the work of this great Irishman and with En Nadar-dos-pájaros we have fulfilled the dream of publishing all his novels: El Tercer Policía, Dalkey's Chronicle, La boca pobre and La vida hard. In the book The Western Canon, by the famous literary critic Harold Bloom, The Third Police and Dalkey's Chronicle appear as two of the most important works of English literature.