Francisco Fernández Buey

Francisco Fernández Buey

Francisco Fernández Buey. He was a professor at Pompeu Fabra University. His intellectual work focused on the philosophy of science and moral and political philosophy. He is considered the leading expert in Spain on the thought of Antonio Gramsci, along with Manuel Sacristán. He was part of the founding group of the magazines Materials and meanwhile.

Philosopher very committed to the fight against the Franco dictatorship, he joined the psuc in 1963. He stood out in the actions of the university movement, helping to create the Democratic Union of Students of the University of Barcelona (sdeub). As a Gramscian intellectual, he was closely linked to social movements, especially environmentalism and other world movements articulated in the World Social Forum. Among his works are The Illusion of Method. Ideas for a well-tempered rationalism, Albert Einstein. Science and conscience, The great disturbance, Marx (without isms), Reading Gramsci, Poliética and For the Third Culture. Essays on science and humanities.