It is a research professor at the Autonomous Metropolitan University, Xochimilco campus. She holds a PhD in Art History from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and member of the National Researchers System. He has published several articles on monsters and anomalies in the Mexico of the nineteenth century, women, madness and hysteria at the same time, as well as culture and national history. Some of his most recent articles are: "Where are the women of La Castañeda An approach to the clinical records of asylum, 1910" (2011), "The Mexican national history: Past, Present and Future" (2011) and "History, Science and the Nation. a case study in nineteenth-century Mexico "(2013). Also published books The monster, impossible object. A study of Mexican Teratology (nineteenth century) (2008) and together with Carlos Beltran Lopez edited the book Local Knowledge: Essays on History of Science (2008)