Gabriel Catren. Buenos Aires, 1975. He holds a Ph.D. in Physics (UBA) and a Ph.D. in Philosophy (Université de Paris VIII–Vincennes-Saint-Denís), he was Director at the Collège International de Philosophie, and he also directed the European Research Council (ERC) project. Philosophy of Canonical Quantum Gravity. Currently, he works as a researcher in philosophy and physics at the SPHERE Institute -Sciences, Philosophie, Historie (Universitéde Paris VII-Diderot, CNRS). His research could be framed in what, in recent years, has been called the "Speculative Turn" of philosophy that includes authors such as Graham Harman, Quentin Meillassoux, R. Brassier, I.H. Grant, Reza Negarastani and Nick Land -some also members of the Cybernetic Culture Research Unit (CCRU)-. This nucleus of authors, whose works arrived in Argentina with a fifteen-year delay, and whose origins were in the Internet 2.0 of blogs, ended up being centralized in the editorial/website Urbanomics and Collapse magazine. Although the works of these critics are very varied, and have mutated throughout the first and second decade of the 21st century, it is possible to affirm a passion: to speak again of The Great Outside (the real, the in-itself), what philosophy seemed to have given up on since the 17th century. In Hekht, he published Pleromatics or the dizziness of Elsinore, in 2017, and directs a collection that will come out in 2019, called Narcosis.