Gerald Raunig is a philosopher and art theorist. He works at the Zürich University of the Arts, Zürich and the eipcp (European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies), Vienna. He is co-editor of the multilingual web journal Transversal and the Austrian journal for radical democratic cultural politics, Kulturrisse. Raunig has coordinated a number of transnational research projects connected to eipcp including Creating Worlds, which investigates the relationship between art production and knowledge production in the context of cognitive capitalism. His recent books include: A Thousand Machines: A Concise Philosophy of the Machine as Social Movement (2010); Art and Contemporary Critical Practice: Reinventing Institutional Critique (co-edited with Gene Ray) (2009); and Art and Revolution: Transversal Activism in the Long Twentieth Century (2007). Raunig lives and works in Zürich.