Guillermo Orozco Gómez (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, 1954) is a Mexican academic studies focused on media reception and media literacy. He graduated in Communication Sciences at the Jesuit University of Guadalajara (ITESO); and a PhD in Education from Harvard University. His research has focused on the impact of television in shaping American audience America.1 is a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences and the National Research System Level III.1Orozco Gómez has served as coordinator of the working group studies the reception of the Latin American Association of Researchers in Communication (ALAIC) and was Professor of UNESCO in the cities of Bogota and Barcelona.2 He is currently head of the Department of Studies Social Communication of the University of Guadalajara.He is the author of several books on communication and media in Latin America, such as TV and hearings: a qualitative approach (1996), 3 research communication inside and outside Latin America: Trends, Prospects and Challenges of media studies (1997 ) 4 or Television, audiences and education (2001)